Sunday, October 02, 2005

A hidden treasure of is the Practise feature. Only recently did I realise that it wasn't being used at all. I thought I'd go over some of its advantages here.

On the Practise feature (or as I like to call it in cricket terms, the Practise Nets) you can find out whether a word exists, and how much it is worth.

For example, I could enter the word "battye" into the practise page, to be told that it is worth 11 points. However, it would also say that it is invalid, and cannot be used:

The word battye is worth 11 points!
However, the word does not exist. Therefore it cannot be used in a Scrabble, or Online-Scrabble game.

And a message to state that it is a valid word would be displayed if indeed it was. This can be a very useful feature if you are interested to find out trivial things, such as how much your name is worth in Scrabble points etc.

To try the Practise feature, click here.


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