I never thought I'd see the day when someone got to a milestone (such as 5000!) without trying. Let alone on 2 occasions. That someone? Me.
Two times, I have landed on 5000, without trying. In Never Ending, so many times I wanted (and tried) to land on a good number; 30,000, 40,000, 45,000 etc. Never happened.
Yet in Tournament play, I have done it twice, without trying.
It also says a lot that the number of rounds are so similar, I suppose it means I have a steady Tournament average. It's going to be sad to see those numbers disappear off the scoreboard, and then lost in cyberspace. I have left them there for quite a while now.. but surely another couple of weeks can't hurt? :-)
At least I have a screenshot of it, probably not the best quality, maybe Blogger thumbnails it? Let's see.
Links: http://www.online-scrabble.com/profile.php?mode=highscores & http://www.cmxmods.net/images/me/5000.PNG